The medical term used for excessive hair growth in women is known as Hirsutism. Increased hair in unanticipated bodily areas such as the face, abdominal, chest, back of thighs are caused by a number of factors. An over production of Androgens (male hormones) can cause excessive hair in women but also sensitivity to normal levels of hormones can have this distressing effect.
This male pattern effect many women with it being common amongst the Mediterranean population and Asian sub continent descent. In some cases it can be hereditary.
It is a common misconception that only males produce Androgens however this is not the case. Androgens are produced by both male and female with men producing a vaster amount compared to women therefore is it harder to detect in men. In a majority of cases there is no medical abnormalities attached with Hirsutism unless it develops prior to puberty in both male or female.
It is also advisable to seek medical assistance:
- If you are diabetic or obese;
- Sudden hair loss, baldness or deepening voice which may suggest an increased Androgen level;
- If excessive hair is accompanied by menstrual complications
A note to remember, as women age, especially during or post Menopause, it is quite normal for hair to increase in bodily areas such as the face.
The good news is Laser Hair Removal and IPL hair removal can either provide a long term hair removal or lead to a permanent hair reduction. Equally important is how these procedures can positively change the psychological and emotional distress attached to the male pattern symptoms in women.