How does NIR skin tightening work?
High powered light in the near-infrared spectrum reaches the skin’s top layer, gradually heating the sub-dermal tissue, as a result elastin fibres begin to contract and tighten as it begins. The tissue is heated rather than destroyed which means there is minimal downtime and zero side effects. The NIR skin tightening technology is less aggressive than ablative or fractional laser.
The laser technology uses the body’s own natural healing abilities to revitalise symptoms such as:
- dull skin
- relieve slack skin
- crepy skin
- uneven skin
What causes facial puffiness?
Facial puffiness, or swelling, occurs when excess fluid builds up in the tissues of the face. This can happen for various reasons, including:
- Fluid Retention: Often caused by high salt intake, dehydration, or hormonal changes.
- Allergic Reactions: Swelling can be a response to allergens like food, pollen, or medication.
- Infections: Conditions like sinusitis or an abscess can lead to localised swelling.
- Lack of Sleep: Poor sleep can lead to puffiness, especially around the eyes.
- Alcohol Consumption: Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and, in turn, puffiness.
- Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like kidney disease or hypothyroidism can cause facial swelling.
See related blogpost: Puffy Face: The Morning Battle and How NIR is the Secret Weapon You Didn’t Know You Needed.
During the NIR skin tightening treatment?
During this hi-tech facial, a deep cleanse is required prior to treatment. Ultrasound gel (which is what is used during pregnancy scans) is then applied to the skin to allow maximum absorption of wavelengths. The treatment itself normally takes up to 30 minutes depending on the area we are treating. During the painless treatment, it is expected to feel a warm sensation.
NIR skin tightening reviews?
After 24 hours, patients report they see a visible difference and improvement in their skin texture following the NIR facial and as a result, it is expected to see the skin glow with radiance and look more plumper. The results will also deliver gradual improvements over the next 2-3 months as the body produces collagen and elastin fibres start to tighten.
NIR skin tightening results?
Because the upper layers of the skin are unaffected, patients are expected to see very little downtime, at most may experience mild redness which usually subsides quickly. The NIR skin tightening technology immediately tightens the skin with noticeable results that can last up to 2 years with a series of sessions. Normally 6 – 8 sessions are required to see optimal results and maintenance treatments are required once or twice a year following a treatment course.
Areas we can treat with NIR skin tightening?
The NIR technology is able to treat the following areas:
- Chin
- Forehead
- Neck
- Eye area
- Full face and neck
- Body areas such as abdomen, thighs, upper arms and breasts.
NIR skin tightening (standalone treatment)
30 minutes£99 per session
or£499 for 6 sessions
Combined with Microdermabrasion
1 hour£120 per session
or£600 for 6 sessions
Combined with hydrafacial
1 hour£180 per session
or£750 for 6 sessions
Can be seen immediately
Top ups
6-8 sessions required. Lasts up to 2 years
Highly qualified & experienced
Our staff undergo annual training masterclasses
Our staff undergo regular annual CPD
30-40 minutes
Small areas
Can be combined with Hydrafacial. Duration is 1 hour
Side effects
Non to very little. Redness is expected, normally subsides very quickly
Return back to work or daily activities following procedure
Expect to feel warm sensation throughout treatment