Chemical peels are a solution for Acne, pigmentation, redness and ageing skin
Chemical peels are treatments employed to repair, improve as well as replenish the skin’s surface. Consequently, changes towards the better happen at a perceivable level for both the texture and tone of the complexion.
Due to exfoliation and the stimulation of new cell turnover, the acid in chemical peels causes the connection between dead skin cells to loosen. As a result, this causes the peeling and removal of superficial layers of the skin. A brand new, smooth complexion is revealed. Free of pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, acne or other conditions that were plaguing it, the radiant skin surface shines through successfully.
Chemical peels work effectively through the exfoliation of surface layers of the skin. By going deeply, the active ingredients as well as the method of application become catalysts for the rapid cell turnover that the body experiences. As a result this leaves way to a healthier complexion that can rejuvenate itself through regular peels. Hence why it should come as no surprise that the face looks younger, radiant and brighter.
Process and results of chemical peels
Firstly, the client can describe his current condition and have the AlumierMD chemical peel treatments. Wrinkles, spots, sun damage and redness are classic culprits more often than not. As a result of the chemical peels, the complexion of the individual will feel the differences in pH climate swaying towards an acidic environment.
Secondly, to improve the pre-existing condition, there will be individual-specific treatments. One chemical peel session can conclude with visible changes in the skin that becomes brighter and smoother. However, the previous skin outcome needs more treatments to maintain and improve upon.
Furthermore, the severity of the condition should be directly proportional to the exposure to the chemical peels. That is because through accustoming the skin to the cell turnover, the body will change it’s exfoliation habits. Whether it’s fine lines or inflamed acne, chemical peels can only be beneficial in the long term.
The skincare professional will prove invaluable in exposing your complexion to the gradual exfoliation process. Since if it is too sudden, the body will interpret the foreign active ingredients through the pain they induce. This causes trauma and pigmentation changes.
Lastly, to make sure the skin remains protected and replenished throughout the treatment, there are homecare products which are necessary for your skincare regime.
AlumierMD Chemical Peels work through layers of the skin, recapturing its original smooth, clear and pigmentation-free surface
What type of peels are on offer?
AlumiedMD offer a range of light to medium depth peels performed by trained skincare professionals. Because of the acidic nature of the chemical peels, you should take into account expert skincare advice.
How many sessions are required?
For the Chemical Peels to work deeply and have long lasting effects, it’s necessary to have repeated treatments. The AlumierMD professional will distribute them along several weeks. Consequently, this will eliminate side effects and downtime associated with deep peels.
How long can I expect the treatment to last?
Clients see immediate results from the first chemical peel. Depending on the condition, for more significant results the chemical peel treatment should last up to eight weeks.
Potential side effects?
The body can react in extreme, altering ways to chemical peels. That is because trauma of the skin can induce pigmentation changes. Albeit, this can all be circumvent through a skincare AlumierMD expert introducing the exfoliation gradually. The skin has an adjusting period as a result.
How is the skin accustomed to the treatment?
By exposing it to pretreatment products, we pre-condition the skin to accept the subsequent chemical peels. Hence there will be less complications and results won’t fail to arrive quicker.
What does the post-treatment period consist of?
Skin needs both healing and soothing. This is true especially after chemical peels. Products offered by professional treatments can minimise complications as well as protect and maintain the skin.