Dramatically brighten your skin, replenish your hair & nails and reboot your body with the master antioxidant – Glutathione.

What is Glutathione?

Commonly known for its incredibly powerful antioxidant effect, Glutathione is able to absorb bacteria, toxins like free radicals and other debris with ease, helping us maintain proper cellular health. Unfortunately it is often used more than we gain making it in high demand. For this very reason Glutathione injections have become very important for skin health.

How can Glutathione help the skin?

Glutathione’s effects aren’t only for the body, but for the skin as well. One of the main reasons it’s gained mainstream attention recently is because of the dewy glow you get when it’s used. This is because of Glutathione’s skin renewal enhancing ability. By letting your skin slough away dead cells, it lets new skin cells rise to the surface making your skin look far less dull and tired from a build up of excess skin cells.

Glutathione injections

What do Glutathione injections do for the body?

Glutathione injections’ most well known bonus is its antioxidant effect, but that’s not all it can help with. A big effect glutathione can have on the body is reducing oxidative stress which means it can help fight off free radicals helping to stave off many diseases that are believed to be caused by high levels of oxidative stress. That includes cancer, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Another big problem glutathione can help with is reducing the cell damage in fatty liver disease as shown by this study.

What indicates a low Glutathione level?

There are a few problems that can be affected by a low glutathione level but it is always best to see a doctor for a proper examination. These problems can include;

  • Coordination problems
  • Tiredness/fatigue
  • Mental disorder
  • Tremors
  • Low sperm count
  • Increased ageing process
  • Nervous system disorder
  • Difficulty in balancing

What vitamins can I combine with Glutathione?

One of the best vitamins to combine with a glutathione injection is Vitamin C. This is because Vitamin C can help to protect glutathione from free radicals and also re-oxidise them, increasing their life cycle and keeping it going in your system for longer. Another Vitamin that is great to pair with Glutathione is Vitamin B as it can help support the activities of glutathione as it helps the skin renew itself faster with increased cell turnover. Putting them both together keeps your skin glowing and radiant as well as the hydrated, plump feel you get separately.

In a similar vein, Biotin, a popular supplement for cell growth and thickening hair and nails, is also great to pair with Glutathione as Biotin also promotes good hydration in the skin and can keep itchy and flaking skin at bay as well as rebuild tissue and make sure cells replicate and work properly.

Downtime and side effects

Side effects of glutathione are minimal but you may experience cramping, bloating or a rash, these are very rare and will usually dissipate over a period of time. Downtime is also non-existent; you should be fine to go back to your activities as soon as you’re done with the injection.

Who can have it done and how long between Glutathione injections?

Anyone over the age of 18 who is not pregnant or breastfeeding can have a glutathione injection.

How much is a Glutathione injection?

A glutathione injection costs £65 per injection.

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