pigmentation removal

Why have I got #pigmentation? ?

Why have I got #pigmentation? ?? I have to be honest, pigmentation is a nightmare to tackle. Period. There are so many reasons for why people experience pigmentation during random times in their life. I have seen children from 11 years old develop severe pigmentation to a menopausal female who has slowly developed it over…

A New Look, Feel & Eco-Friendliness For Heliocare

Heliocare has received a sleek new look for 2020. This contemporary and minimalist approach reflects the brand’s innovation and matches up to the quality of its products.

The new packaging has now launched and will be rolling out across all Heliocare products over the coming months, so keep an eye out – we hope you love it as much as we do!

skin skiing

Sun Protection on the Slopes

“But why would I need sun cream? It’s freezing cold.” It’s a common and dangerous assumption that sun protection isn’t necessary when holidaying in the mountains. It might be colder at 6,000 ft, but that doesn’t mean you’re immune to sun damage. Consider the red noses, chapped lips and goggle marks that are synonymous with…

healthy diet

Why You Should Eat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet doesn’t mean a fad diet. Many of us have tried the Atkins diet, juice diets and even the more obscure, such as the cabbage diet. However, there is a way to be healthy and lose weight (if that’s your goal), without trying these unsustainable ways of eating. There are also numerous benefits…