Get in shape fast Bradford

How to get your body back in shape FAST

With winter now coming to a close and summer fast approaching, plenty of people are feeling the effects of “just one more chip” and “An extra hour’s sleep won’t hurt”. And with the sun coming out again, many are looking for a solution to those Christmas weight gains. Fortunately, we are here to help. We know…

Vitamin D

Vitamin D’own under

    I’m sure everyone remembers the nutrients graph that would be posted all over the school cafeteria, your vitamin A’s and B’s, Calcium and iron, and all sorts of other food information to make sure all the kids were watching what they ate. One that I remember most is Vitamin D, mainly because my…

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

  Vitamin C is a common staple among many beauty and skin companies because of its incredible detoxifying effects and protection against free radicals from UV rays. That’s not all though, It can also help clear up pigmentation, dark spots and even out the skin tone making it very common in lots of products like…

b12 injections

Why am I so tired?

Why am I SO tired? A common question from a great many mothers, workers and travelers alike. One that’s answer is obvious but not so much the solution. Well lucky for you I have a very easy remedy to this dilemma and it includes a little vitamin we call, B12 booster. For many around the…

healthy diet

Why You Should Eat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet doesn’t mean a fad diet. Many of us have tried the Atkins diet, juice diets and even the more obscure, such as the cabbage diet. However, there is a way to be healthy and lose weight (if that’s your goal), without trying these unsustainable ways of eating. There are also numerous benefits…

healthy food

Why You Should Eat A Healthy Diet

Why You Should Eat A Healthy Diet A healthy diet doesn’t mean a fad diet. Many of us have tried the Atkins diet, juice diets and even the more obscure, such as the cabbage diet. However, there is a way to be healthy and lose weight (if that’s your goal), without trying these unsustainable ways…