Why have I got #pigmentation? ??
I have to be honest, pigmentation is a nightmare to tackle. Period. There are so many reasons for why people experience pigmentation during random times in their life. I have seen children from 11 years old develop severe pigmentation to a menopausal female who has slowly developed it over the years that’s taken over her entire cheek, nose and forehead. Everyone is different and everybody’s skin is unique. Pigmentation is caused when the body produces melanin. Melanin is what gives our skin, eyes and hair their colour. However there are certain triggers that causes our body to produce melanin which are:
?hormonal imbalances,
?sun damage or
?even skin injuries
Whenever we get a client visiting the clinic to remove pigmentation, there are so many things we must consider before starting a treatment:
1) Even after a number of aesthetic treatments, it will improve but may not completely go. Be prepared.
2) During a treatment plan, it may look worse before it gets better but ? do not stop treatments or skincare.
3) There is no overnight quick fix, it will be a gradual improvement. It may take a number of months to subside.
4) A strict medical grade skincare (pigmentation regime) must be adhered to otherwise we can almost guarantee, expected results will not be achieved. Pigmentation kit contains 4 steps which need to be followed morning and evening.
We can recommend a number of successful treatment solutions with a high success rate but always start with wearing a suitable SPF50 which will reduce your chances of pigmentation and will also protect your skin ❤️ #loveyourskin
I hope this helps!