NEW life changing procedure performed by Aesthetic Doctor Dr.Aslam

Are you losing that youthful appearance?
Is your face losing shape?
Yet another celebrity crazed procedure achieving truly amazing results in just one session.
PRP therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma) also known as the ‘Dracula’ or ‘Vampire facial’ works using the bodies own astounding natural mechanisms to achieve a higher production of collagen, encouraging cell renewal and rejuvenating skin texture, colour and appearance.
Our experienced doctor will take blood from the patient and place this in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet plasma. This is then injected back into the body in areas such as on the face and neck, problematic areas such as on fine lines and wrinkles and pigmentation.
The platelet plasma has a growth factor abilities and to transfer this to surrounding cells. This will imminently start to plump the skin, filling out lines and wrinkles.
This treatment has very minimal downtime. Bruising, swelling, bumpiness and redness is expected however this will disperse within a couple of days at the most.
We can treat any part of the body and the effects from this treatment will last between 12-24 months.
As seen on the Celebrities!

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Packaged OFFERS!
30 minute LED mask
3 sessions £149
30 minute LED mask
6 sessions £299
(includes cleanse, exfoliating and moisturiser)
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This treatment has been used by Kourtney Kardashian.