beautiful skin

Get the Glow- Why Healthy Skin Glows

We’ve all been there. When we notice something is off about our skin. The complexion is clear but it’s lacking a certain sense of vibrancy and we’re left wondering “when did I start looking so dull?” Sure, we get it. Life is life. There are deadlines, cheat days that seem to go on for forever,…

chemical peel

Which Chemical Peel is Right for Me?

Raise your hand if Samantha’s blistering red face from Sex and the City comes to mind when the idea of getting a chemical peel enters your head. Exactly. But fret not, because skin care technology has come a long way. And thanks to the AlumierMD’s future-focused team of doctors and scientists there’s a wide variety…


The medical term used for excessive hair growth in women is known as Hirsutism. Increased hair in unanticipated bodily areas such as the face, abdominal, chest, back of thighs are caused by a number of factors. An over production of Androgens (male hormones) can cause excessive hair in women but also sensitivity to normal levels…